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Jakarta, 3 February 2022 - The number of Covid-19 cases is increasing quite significant, as the daily number of cases per January 30 has reached 12.442 cases. The Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) has also increased. The pandemic isn't over yet. Meanwhile, people are getting more and more exposed to outside activities like offline work, face-to-face school, family gathering, recreation, and many others. Health protocols (Prokes) are started to being neglected. People started to ignore to wear masks in public places. Even though we have been vaccinated, we should remain vigilant and maintain health protocols as recommended.
Pulmonary Disease Specialist from Persahabatan Hospital Dr.dr. Erlina Burhan, M.Sc, Sp.P(K) said, since early January 2022, there have been significant developments of Covid-19 cases. At the beginning of the year it was still under 200 cases. Then, it increased to thousands of cases. Deaths from Omicron have also been reported. Omicron is a variant of Covid-19. One of the characteristics that must be understood from Omicron is that this variant is very contagious compared to Delta one, as can be seen from the very rapid increase in daily cases. She explained that previously, in mid-December, the Omicron cases were mostly imported cases, which brought by foreigners or foreign travellers. However, after the passage of time, there has been transmission in the community. It is suspected that transmission in the community has reached more than 20 percent. "My assumption is, if an examination is properly carried out, most of the cases in Indonesia nowadays are Omicron variant," said dr. Erlina. And if the Omicron rises, just like the spike in July-August 2021, then it is likely that the national health system will be overwhelmed. Because, the more cases there are, the more people need to be cared for either independently at home or at hospitals.
“ This virus is infected because there is interaction among humans. So, if it's not really important, try not to travel. I also suggest not to having meal together in the office, instead having meal individually in own room. Because when we eat, we wouldn‘t wear masks and therefore the possibility of virus transmission is high, " she explained. The data showed us that the symptoms caused by Omicron is more mild compared to delta. However, it should be noted that mild symptoms occur in groups of those who are healthy and young. However, for certain groups, for example the elderly, children under five, who have not been vaccinated, people with comorbidities (a chronic and uncontrolled congenital disease) have not showed mild symptoms, and mostly need to be hospitalized. With a weakened immune system, people within this group are very susceptible to infection. Especially, those who are elderly with comorbid, and haven‘t got vaccinated. " Don't underestimate this, because there are vulnerable groups that we must protect," said dr. Erlina.
Prof.Dr.dr. Iris Rengganis Sp.PD-KAI, Internal Medicine Specialist & Consultant Allergic Immunology, said that increasing the immune system is important in the midst of increasing Omicron cases while people have started to do offline activities. She reminded, currently two doses of vaccines are not enough. A booster is a must. This booster is very important, because it will complete all one's needs in maintaining the immune system, especially during a pandemic. In addition, each person's immune system is different compare to other individuals. Starting from genetics, microbio, previous infections, body mass index, nutrition, the presence or absence of comorbid, including emotional psychological status. All of those factors, either directly or indirectly, will affect a person's immune system. “During a pandemic, we never know what the conditions outside are likely. This means, apart from being vaccinated and taking care of Prokes, there is nothing wrong with strengthening our immune system by consuming immunomodulators, " said Prof Iris.
Keep in mind, to maintain endurance, there are various factors that complement each other. Vaccination is mandatory, besides that of course, consuming nutritious food, getting enough rest, managing stress, taking vitamins, minerals, or immunomodulator would help to increase immune system. Prof. Iris explained that supplements containing Echinacea work to modulate the immune system, especially against virus detection; Zinc works to increase the work of the immune system against viral infections; black elderberry may help increase the inflammatory response; vitamin C works as an antioxidant and an important co-factor in immune function; Vitamin D3 works as a hormone whose receptors are found in the immune system and functions as an effective immunomodulator. “ If all of this is given synergistically, then it has the potential to optimize the work of the immune system against virus detection, "she explained.
Meanwhile, said Christian Sugiono, Imboost’s Brand Ambassador, “My family and I are always vigilant and being careful in all of our activities. Even though on the sidelines of shooting activities and crowded events, we always prioritize Health protocols. Of course, children are also our priority, because their lifestyle is active, but their immune systems are still vulnerable.“ He further emphasized “Me and Titi also give Juna and Kai Imboost syrup regularly to help them maintain their immune system and not to get sick easily. Meanwhile, Titi and I took Imboost tablets and effervescent tablets,” he said.
DR. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo, M.Sc., CIP as VP Research & Development, Regulatory, and Medical Affairs SOHO Global Health said “ As a producer of Imboost, the market leader for #1 Immunity supplements in Indonesia, we pay attention to the growing public need for effective immunomodulatory and vitamin supplement products to maintain immunity, and with more practical doses, SOHO has developed two new Imboost product variants , namely Imboost Extra and Imboost Force Ultimate, ” he explained.
Imboost Extra is the development of the Imboost formula, containing a combination of Echinacea purpurea, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3, where this combination of immunomodulators and vitamins is needed to increase endurance. Meanwhile, Imboost Force Ultimate as the most complete Imboost product variant today, contains Echinacea purpurea, Black Elderberry, Zinc, Vitamin C lipid metabolites, Citrus Bioflavonoids, and Vitamin D3, working on 3 layers of the body's immune system.
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