12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
26 July 2018
During 22-24 February 2018 SGH held National Sales Conference (NSC) at Highland Park Resort Bogor. The event was attended by 200 participant consist of SGELT, all division leaders, sales and marketing team from Soho and PPG and also Branch Manager from 25 PPG Branches in Indonesia. This is one of manifestation of Power of One spirit, where all SGH employees work in collaboration as a one team to achieve SGH target for 2018.
The main agenda of the NSC event was tor the SGELT to share the SGH’s performance in 2017 and SGH target for 2018 as well as strategies to be executed to achieve those targets. SGH's performance in 2017 was quite robust, where sales grew about 9.6% than last year and our profit grew 79.7% than LY although slightly behind target. PPG during the last 4-5 months has been consistently delivered some profit, and Healthcare consistently booked strong sales every month. All of these can only be achieved because of our hard work as a one team of SGH.
In accordance with the theme of NSC 2018: “The winning team - IT'S NOW saatnya melesat hebat“ it is expected that everyone inculcate the team spirit to achieve our target in 2018. Our sales growth target in 2018 is 18.5 % and as a form of affirmation to reach the target Mr. Cooey has passed on the soccer ball to all SGH team who received it with enthusiasm and passionate.
Along with this event, the new Diapet TV commercial was also launched with Omesh as our celebrity brand ambassador. We expect from this marketing investment, it can leverage Diapet sales and make DIAPET as a market leader in Indonesian market.
To close the event a Gala Dinner was held as a form of appreciation from Company to all team for their hard work in achieving 2017 target. Gala Dinner is enlivened by the performance of artist Denada and Omesh as MC. Company also announced several awards for employees to appreciate their performance in 2017 with several categories.
Congratulations to the winners. Let's embrace our big dream in 2018!
IT'S NOW saatnya melesat hebat!
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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