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JAKARTA, 21 October 2020 - The basic health research report (Riskesdas) states that the prevalence of hepatitis based on a doctor's diagnosis history by province in 2018 is a total of 1,017,290 people diagnosed with hepatitis per year, if a percentage is 0.39% of the Indonesian population. The World Health Organization (WHO) in May 2018 said that hepatitis was the largest contributor to 1.34 million deaths in 2015. The number exceeds cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and almost equates cases of tuberculosis (TB). Asia Pacific is a region with the largest share of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the world. As much as 74 percent of global liver cancer deaths occur in Asia, including Indonesia.
Meanwhile, 9 out of 10 sufferers do not realize they have hepatitis B or even C. And 1 in 4 sufferers will die of cancer or liver failure. So it can be said that hepatitis is a silent killer (killing secretly).
Professor of internal medicine specialist. Dr. dr I Dewa Nyoman Wibawa, Sp.PD - KGEH said hepatitis sufferers will experience a journey from a healthy liver, acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, then cirrhosis of the liver with progress about 1/3 of hepatitis sufferers will experience cirrhosis. Of cirrhosis 10-15 percent will become cancer, 23 percent within 5 years of people with cirrhosis will experience liver failure which leads to death.
Prevention efforts need to be made so that the liver remains healthy. Our ancestors also used a plant that is nutritious for liver or liver health.
Temulawak is a native Indonesian plant with the Latin name Curcuma Xanthorrhiza. This herbal plant contains an active substance in the form of curcumin, which is a yellow compound contained in temulawak and turmeric that is trusted by the Indonesian people for its benefits.
DR (Cand) dr Inggrid Tania, M.Si, Chairperson of the Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Development Doctors Association (PDPOTJI) said curcumin's activity is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory or enhances the immune system by regulating the immune response. Then other well-known properties are also hepatoprotector or protect liver function, through its mechanism of action as an antioxidant which can counteract the oxidation process by free radicals.
The presence of viral infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B or C disease, alcohol consumption, dyslipidemia conditions (impaired blood fat levels), or side effects of taking certain drugs, cause an oxidative process that results in inflammation or impaired liver function, which if left untreated will result in damage permanent liver (fibrosis and cirrhosis).
"By taking curcumin from the start, it's better, because the oxidation process can be prevented," said Doctor Ingrid. Curcumin will also relieve inflammation in the liver because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Apart from being a hepatoprotector, curcumin also protects the heart, kidneys and nervous system. In addition, curcumin has anticancer properties, meaning it prevents the process of changing normal cells into cancer cells. Curcumin can also help recover from infectious diseases because it can help improve appetite.
When piperine added into cucurmin, the benefits increase. Piperine is a compound that can be produced or isolated from black pepper or Javanese chili. Generally black pepper. Piperine also has its own properties that are similar to curcumin, namely antioxidants and anti-inflammation.
"Piperine is good when combined with Curcumin. Because curcumin is often difficult to absorb by our blood. Now, piperine is added to make it easier to absorb curcumin from the digestive tract into the blood. So based on pharmacokinetic tests and bioavailability tests, the combination of Curcumin and "Piperine can increase the bioavailability of Curcumin by up to 2000%, which in turn will increase its effectiveness," said Dr. Inggrid.
Prof. Wibawa explained that because it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, the combination of curcumin and piperine can be used as a preventive measure that can be consumed by patients with a risk of liver disease such as type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and patients with a history of hepatitis so that their liver health is maintained.
"The hepatoprotective mechanism occurs due to the effect of curcumin as an antioxidant which is able to capture superoxide ions and break the chains between superoxide ions (O2-) so as to prevent liver cell damage due to lipid peroxidation mediated by the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) where the SOD enzyme will convert O2 into less toxic products," he explained.
Curcumin is also able to increase gluthathione S-transferase (GST) and can inhibit several proinflammatory factors such as nuclear factor-ĸB (NF-kB) and prophibrotic cytokines. The activity of inhibiting the formation of NF-kB is a transcription factor for a number of important genes in the process of immunity and inflammation, one of which is to form TNF-α. By suppressing the action of NF-kB, free radicals from inflammatory byproducts are reduced.
Meanwhile, the mechanism of action of piperine is to increase serum concentration and increase curcumin absorption by inhibiting glucuronidation in the liver and small intestine, thereby increasing the bioavailability of curcumin and maximizing its effect on the body.
"For prevention (prevention) it may be used, so there is no need to wait for liver inflammation to occur, especially in patients with a risk of liver disorders such as patients with a history of hepatitis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, or patients with high cholesterol, because consumption of curcumin can maintain liver function. Likewise with patients who already have liver problems such as inflammation, fatty liver or fibrosis. It is necessary to consume hepatoprotectors to improve liver function and protect healthy liver cells from being damaged, " Prof. Wibawa explained.
dr. Inggrid said that cucurmin found in temulawak can be consumed in fresh form or in extracts such as Curcuma Force.
"Eating it in fresh form is good too. The weakness of that fresh is that it is difficult for us to consume large amounts of it," said dr. Inggrid.
Second, if we consume fresh temulawak, we have to make sure, for example, that the plant is free from pesticide contamination, heavy metal contamination, etc. Making sure is not easy and ordinary people can't either. Meanwhile, Industrial products such as those produced by SOHO are certified organic, the temulawak is organic. This means that temulawak as raw material has been standardized, the quality is better maintained, and the safety from the contamination is maintained.
Third, a matter of practicality, this modern preparation is more practical.
Fourth, for complaints or disorders that are already rather severe, such as inflammation in the liver, then a larger, standardized or measured dose is needed. So it is better to use standardized curcumin extract. Moreover, the dose has been measured.
"Every day can be consumed because Curcumin comes from Temulawak extract. This curcuma extract has been confirmed safe for long-term use. So, it can be consumed every day with the dosage stated, for example three times 1 tablet. The content of Curcumin and piperin is also good for consumption by all. age segment, both children and adults. The tip, consume according to the dose, "said Doctor Inggrid.
VP Research and Development SOHO Global Health DR. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo, M.Si said Curcuma Force is the latest product from SOHO which is an upgraded formula from Curcuma FCT, the first innovation in Indonesia, a synergistic combination of Curcumae xanthorrhizae Rhizoma Extract and piperine with higher bioavailability resulting in maximum effect. The main ingredients of Curcuma Force are curcuma xanthorrhiza extract or commonly called temulawak to help improve appetite and help maintain healthy liver function, and piperine extract to help increase cucurminoid bioavailability. The target is for patients with liver disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, and to maintain daily immunity. One Curcuma Force tablet contains 20 mg of curcuma xanthorrhiza extract, equivalent to 7500 mg of fresh temulawak and 2.5 mg of piperine.
"Curcuma Force uses organic raw temulawak, which are produced from SOHO plantations which have the best quality, where the seeds used are superior varieties that contain the best active ingredients, are certified organic and are also quality controlled because they are processed with the concept of seed to patient," Aswin explained.
*****About SOHO Global Health SOHO Global Health Tbk. is a leading company in the health sector with a history of more than 70 years and has 'gone public' and is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, which has competences in the fields of natural / herbal health products as well as health services. More than 30 of our flagship brands are spread across various therapeutic areas ranging from top-selling immunomodulators such as Imboost, hepatoprotectors such as Curcuma Force, Curcuma FCT, to leading children's multivitamin brands such as Curcuma Plus and Fitkom. Guided by our corporate goal, "To make the concern for human life our highest priority," we help prevent and treat disease, promote healthy lifestyles and improve the quality of life for people.
Developing nature's potential - that's what we do best at SOHO Global Health. We are committed to developing natural / herbal therapies to improve the quality of life of patients by presenting herbal products with lower side effects complemented by clinical studies and strong supporting evidence. Our Curcuma farm and research facility - SOHO Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR) demonstrate our commitment to focus on research and cultivation of herbs to generate added value for customers and society.
SOHO Global Health has a unique and best-in-class business platform in branding, sales & marketing, manufacturing and distribution to support the sustainable growth of the healthcare market business in Indonesia. Supported by more than 2500 employees, SGH products are trusted with a high level of trust, reliability and quality among healthcare professionals, patients and customers. We have a strong commitment to sustainability and creating long-term value. Patients will always be the top priority of what we do, the reason we work every day.
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21 September 2020
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