12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
31 May 2018
One spirit of Power of One is spread all over Indonesia to Win back Curcuma Plus as The King of kids multivitamin. With a high commitment, Curcuma Plus consistently offers high quality Vitamin products and Milk products. Curcuma Plus, now with “ORGANIC TEMULAWAK” extract, multivitamin, codfish oil and essential nutrients is now ready to regain victory in the Kids Multivitamin market. Until now, Curcuma Plus is still be # 1 Kids Vitamin Brand chosen by Indonesian Moms, as Curcuma Plus won Top Brand Awards 2017. Supported by the new TVC, powerful marketing strategy, excellent execution by Sales Team, good visibility program, Curcuma Plus Relaunch will be a good step to win the market.
All team are very excited with the spirit of “THE KING IS BACK” , not only in Jakarta, where Relaunch & Selling Day Competition is followed by all SGH employees Grade 7 and above who work in Rawa Sumur, Pulo Gadung 6, and Mayapada and Jakarta branch representatives, the spirit is also bring excitement all over Indonesia’s Branches.
Relaunch & Selling Day event is also conducted in October in all 25 Branches. The whole team moves with excitement after following the Relaunch event and watch the Relaunch Motivation Videos. Armed with interesting product packages, Curcuma Plus promotional materials (POSM), all team headed for outlets and consumers and aim to have all cities in Indonesia "orange” via activation.
FANTASTIC! This spirit of success and bring excellent result. Over 9,000 product packages have been sold! This result proved that both outlets (pharmacies) and consumers are very enthusiastic to buy Curcuma Plus products that are believed to make children have a good appetite and grow healthy. Inter-Branch Competition is also held to lift up the team’s spirit. Competition is divided into 3 categories, Big Branch, Medium Branch & Small Branch. Big Branch consist of Tangerang, Bandung, Jakarta 1, Jakarta 3, Semarang, Medan & Surabaya, Medium Branch : Bogor, Denpasar, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Samarinda, Malang, Solo, Banjarmasin & Makassar and Small Branch : Pekanbaru, Manado, Jambi, Jember, Cirebon, Padang, Batam, Lampung & Pontianak.
The winner(s) is not only assessed by Sales Achievement, but also Active Outlet (AO) and Visibility Program. Of course, the criteria include which branch is the most eager to do successfull Relaunch & Selling Day and have their city “Orange” via activation.
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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