12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
15 August 2019
The importance of analyzing brand performance is a priority for any company. By analyzing performance, companies are able to evaluate and determine strategies to develop their brands. For this reason, Frontier Research developed a concept of research-based Top Brands to understand brand performance. The brand's performance is then measured in Mind Share, Market Share and Commitment Share.
Top Brand for Kids is part of the Top Brand Award specifically targeted for children's products. The survey for Top Brand for Kids itself was conducted in five major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Medan, and involved 2,500 respondents.
The Top Brand for Kids Award is given as an appreciation to companies that have succeeded in building brands for children market. Moreover, Top Brand for Kids is also a benchmarking tool for brand owners to find out the strength of their brand in the eyes of public. Parents have a preference in choosing products for their children by recognizing the Top Brand for Kids logo in product packaging.
In 2019 Curcuma Plus again won the Top Brand Award in the top position with the highest Top Brand Index (44.2%). This highest Index makes Curcuma Plus at the top rank of preference with a significant difference compared to the brands that occupy the second position (21.9%).
Top Brand Award has awarded Curcuma Plus with the title "TOP" on three criteria, namely:
Therefore more and more Indonesian mothers have chosen Curcuma Plus as vitamin for their children. Now it's time for us as part of SOHO GLOBAL HEALTH to also recommend the use of Curcuma Plus as a Vitamin for Children #1 to help children eat healthy and nutritious meal every day for optimal growth. This commitment to maintain balanced nutrition for children in Indonesia also makes PT SOHO launched Curcuma Plus in milk format to maintain the completeness of children's nutrition and for daily consumption.
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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