12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
31 May 2018
The Ministry of Health hearing with SOHO Global Health team was received directly by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek, SpM and her team. Attended also the Director General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices (Ditjen Farmalkes, Dra Maura Linda Sitanggang, Ph.D) at the Ministry of Health RI’s office on February 19, 2018.
Indonesia is rich with natural resources potential and is about time for us to establish autonomy of raw material for medicine by exploring natural resources potential, including Temulawak, Ginger, Daun Kelor which being known as legendary traditional medicine.
"In China, ancestors' record of recipes and traditional remedies was tested empirically. It is unfortunate that in Indonesia we did not treat it wisely. We need to change our attitude towards respecting what God has given to us and change consumption behavior (proud of using made in Indonesia products). We live in tropical countries, where whatever we plant can easily grow, including Temulawak, ginger, daun kelor. Herbal resources must have health benefit, only we need to explore how to make the optimum use of them,” as revealed by MoH, Prof. Dr. Nila F. Moeloek during the hearing occasion.
Minister of Health expressed interest to partner with SOHO as an industry partner in empowering the potential of Indonesian herbs to explore the possibility of synergy and together thinking about innovative breakthrough for healthier Indonesia. SOHO's commitment to develop the potential of Indonesian herbs, such as Temulawak is expected by the Ministry of Health to continue to be developed and not only for Temulawak, but together to develop the rich potential of nature of Indonesia to realize the autonomy of raw materials for medicine.
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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