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GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Emission Control in response to Climate Change
Climate Change
GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Emission Control in response to Climate Change
Climate change and global warming are problems that must be addressed by everyone. To that end, Soho Global Health contributes to curbing the extreme rate of climate change. This initiative supports the Government of Indonesia’s commitment after they ratified the Paris Agreement. Climate change, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions poses a potential risk of reducing the availability of herbal raw materials for our products.To maintain the sustainability of existing herbal raw materials from local suppliers, we continue to provide guidance to the curcuma farmers regarding climate change and sustainable ecosystem management.
We ensure that the management of all direct emissions from boiler operations, machine production and standby generators always comply with regulatory requirements. This is achieved by conducting routine tool maintenance, regular emission levels testing, and reporting to the Environment Agency every six months. Our initiatives to reduce GHG emissions also includes planning of initiative for the renewable energy mix to make it cleaner, more sustainable, and free from carbon emissions.Tree planting and landscape greening in the factory areas also contributes to absorbing CO2 from the surrounding environment. We have engaged Schneider Electric to assist us in our initiative for Net Zero Emission by developing our Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and developing a Decarbonization Roadmap.
Below is summary for group total emision

"The Earth does not belong to us : we belong to the Earth"
~ Marlee Matlin
Environmental Commitment
"The Earth does not belong to us : we belong to the Earth"
~ Marlee Matlin
Environmental Commitment

PT Soho Global Health Tbk and its subsidiaries is commited to continuosly improving the Occupational Health Safety System, and protection of the environment, in order to prevent workplace accidents, occupational diseases and environmental pollution and ensure that we understand and meet the needs of our stake holder
This objective is reflected in our Health, Safety and Environment Policy.
1. To comply with national laws, regulations, decrees, relevant standards, and other applicable requirements
2. To design, construct, and operate facilities and equipment to prevent events that could have adverse impacts on people and environment, cause significant losses or result in disruption of business activities
3. To collaborate in identifying, eliminating hazards, and controlling risks to reduce risks to employees, the surrounding community, and the environment, both at work and outside the workplace, and provide a safe workplace to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.
4. To provide each employee and other people in our facilities with appropriate training or information to obtain the skills and techniques needed for safe and healthy performance of his/her work.
5. To reduce the environmental impact of activities in a safe manner, improve energy efficiency (sustainable use of natural resources); reduce, reuse and recycle used materials, contribute to mitigation and climate change, and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
6. To carry out corrective actions and improve long-term HSE performance, and foster good collaboration with the community, local government, business partners, and other stakeholders
7. To carry out communication, consultation, and joint participation with related parties including labor representatives.

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Environmental Initiative
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Environmental News

Environmental News
20 October 2023
SOHO Global Health Tbk was awarded a Bronze Medal by EcoVadis in the 2022 Sustainability Assessment
SOHO Global Health Tbk has been awarded a bronze medal by EcoVadis for its efforts to achieve sustainable growth for the 2022 assessment year.August

Environmental News
03 August 2023
PT Soho Industri Pharmasi achieved 3rd place (Gold) in the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award For Pharmaceutical & Food Industry 2023
BPOM held a forum titled "Towards Environmentally Sustainable Corporate Governance in the Food and Drug Industry"July

Environmental News
07 July 2023
Certification of ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018
Implementing an environmental management system and an occupational safety and health management systemLatest

20 October 2023
SOHO Global Health Tbk was awarded a Bronze Medal by EcoVadis in the 2022 Sustainability Assessment

03 August 2023
PT Soho Industri Pharmasi achieved 3rd place (Gold) in the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award For Pharmaceutical & Food Industry 2023

07 July 2023
Certification of ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018
Environmental News

20 October 2023
SOHO Global Health Tbk was awarded a Bronze Medal by EcoVadis in the 2022 Sustainability Assessment
In support of the Indonesian Government’s efforts to raise awareness about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors and to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by UN member states as a joint movement to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that everyone lives safely and decently by 2030, SOHO Global Health (SGH) Group is committed to implementing ESG in all business processes, which aims to minimize potential risks or negative impacts on ESG aspects. SGH promotes ethical, transparency and inclusive policies and practices, both within the Company and to all business partners. It is important for the Company to create value that goes beyond product impact on consumers.
SGH Group was assisted by an independent third party in conducting the materiality assessment.
The material issues identified fell into two main pillars which are:
a) The Company’s impact on society and the environment.
b) The impact of society and the environment to the Group.
To oversee the Company's efforts to implement ESG initiatives, SGH partnered with EcoVadis, a trusted international organization that focuses on corporate sustainability assessments to analyze and evaluate the Group's efforts to improve business sustainability performance.
We are proud to announce that this year SGH has been awarded a bronze medal by EcoVadis for its efforts to achieve sustainable growth for the environment, society and business, with an overall score of 57 out of 100 for the 2022 assessment year. The EcoVadis assessment includes 4 (four) aspects, namely considering how the Company impacts the environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. All aspects are interrelated. Thus, the Group should not focus on only one aspect.
This rating is a significant sign that SGH's sustainability strategy is consistent with globally recognized standards. We are proud to take this into account, and we are ready to achieve even more challenging goals together in the future.

20 October 2023
SOHO Global Health Tbk was awarded a Bronze Medal by EcoVadis in the 2022 Sustainability Assessment

03 August 2023
PT Soho Industri Pharmasi achieved 3rd place (Gold) in the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award For Pharmaceutical & Food Industry 2023

07 July 2023
Certification of ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018
Environmental News

03 August 2023
PT Soho Industri Pharmasi achieved 3rd place (Gold) in the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award For Pharmaceutical & Food Industry 2023
As part of the support for the production and consumption of sustainable medicines and food, BPOM held a forum titled "Towards Environmentally Sustainable Corporate Governance in the Food and Drug Industry" on Monday (17/07/2023). The theme raised during the forum was 'BPOM Supports Sustainable Production and Consumption of Drugs and Food for Advancing Indonesia,' in line with the framework of World Environment Day (WED). This activity was conducted in a hybrid manner and was also broadcasted to 73 BPOM technical implementation units (UPT) across Indonesia.
The Head of BPOM RI, Penny K. Lukito, explained that the industry, along with BPOM, is at the forefront of protecting the earth in the medicine and food sectors, following the guidelines of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point number 12, which emphasizes responsible consumption and production. This strategy is aligned with the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, wherein sustainable economic development plays a pivotal role, committing to the environment and promoting low-carbon development.
In the subsequent session of this event, the Head of BPOM personally presented the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award for the Pharmaceutical and Food Industry. Awards were bestowed upon 28 drug and food industries that have actively implemented environmentally sustainable production practices, including both domestic investment companies (PMDN) and foreign investments (PMA).
In the Drug Industry category, a domestic investment company (PMDN), PT Soho Industri Pharmasi, received the 3rd Rank (Gold) for the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award for Pharmaceutical & Food Industry 2023

20 October 2023
SOHO Global Health Tbk was awarded a Bronze Medal by EcoVadis in the 2022 Sustainability Assessment

03 August 2023
PT Soho Industri Pharmasi achieved 3rd place (Gold) in the BPOM Environmental Sustainability Award For Pharmaceutical & Food Industry 2023

07 July 2023
Certification of ISO 14001:2015 and 45001:2018
Environmental News

07 July 2023