Matovit products are supplements that help maintain eye health, reduce eye fatigue, increase blood flow to the retina, and help sharpen eyes. Matovit also can be used for patients at risk of AMD, Diabetes or diabetic retinopathy.
Maintain eye health, reduce eye fatigue and tension
Bilberry 80 mg, B-Caroten 5 mg, Retinol 1600 IU, Vit E 40 mg
1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily (for Adult ≥ 18 years)
3 Strip @ 10 film-coated tablets
Reduces eye fatigue, Increases blood flow to the retina, Helps sharpen eyes, Used for patients at risk of developing AMD, Diabetes or diabetic retinopathy
Bilberry 80 mg, Astaxanthin 2 mg, Lutein 3 mg, Zeaxanthin 0,25 mg, Zinc 2,5 mg, Selenium 10 mcg
1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily (for Adult ≥ 18 years)
3 Strip @ 6 film-coated tablets
Slows down the development of eye disorders such as cataracts, which occur with age. Prevent Age-Related Degeneration (AMD)
Bilberry 80 mg, Lutein 2 mg, Zeaxanthin 0,67 mg , Vit E 40 mg
1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily (for Adult ≥ 18 years)
3 Strip @ 10 film-coated tablets
As an anti-inflammatory in cases of inflammation of the eyes such as uveititis, inflammation after surgery
Astaxanthin 3 mg, Lutein 3 mg, Zeaxanthin 0,25 mg, Zink 2,5 mg, Selenium 10 mcg
1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily (for Adult ≥ 18 years)
3 Strip @ 6 film-coated tablets
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